'BASIC CONCEPTS OF PANCHKARMA' "Benefits of पंचकर्म " #PURIFY your body with panchkarma : The Best Therapy

  Basic Concept of PANCHAKARMA

Ayurveda is a science life that helps to achieve health and longevity. Its aim to heal and preventative therapies along with other methods of purification and rejuvenation. Panchakarma therapy is an integral part of Ayurveda, which helps in achieving a balanced state of mind, body and consciousness. It is an unique method of cleansing the body of all the unwanted waste which is beneficial for both healthy as well as diseased person.
PANCHA means Five, and KARMA means Procedure. So, Panchakarma is a combination of five procedures of purification- Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Basti (Medicated Enema), Nasya (Instillation of medicine through nostrils) and Raktamokshana (Blood letting). It is highly personalized, scientific process of detoxification which is performed under the guidance of Ayurveda expert. 
The five therapeutic procedure which constitute Panchakarma are –
Vamana – Therapeutic emesis
Virechana – Therapeutic purgation
Basti – Medicated Enema
Nasya – Nasal medication
Raktamokshana  – Blood letting

Importance of Panchakarma : 

Purification of the body is important before the commencement of any other therapy. Just such as old dirty linen is washed and purified before new colour can be added, similarly the body needs to be purified before replenishing it with the new colours of health, youthfulness, vigour and vitality.
Consumption of Medicines without Panchakarma can reduce the effect of diseases but the disease cannot be completely eradicated. Therefore, the 'Panchakarma' method is essential in eliminating diseases from its root.

Benefits of Panchakarma :
Panchakarma treatment is unique as it includes preventive, curative and promotive actions for various diseases. The chances of recurrence of the disease are very less in patient’s undergone Panchakarma therapy. It is very effective in management of autoimmune disorders, chronic ailments like Rheumatoid arthritis, Bronchial asthma, Gastrointestinal disorders and Mental disease.

Panchakarma acts as preventive and curative measures in following way -
Cleared toxins from the entire body
Enhanced immunity
Decreases stress
Improved skin luster
Decreases excessive weight
Enhanced mindfulness

Vamana – Emesis treatment – This refers to removing the toxins by means of vomiting. Vamana treatment is given after preparation procedures called Purvakarma .This vomiting therapy is only given to the eligible candidates after proper and complete examination. After doing the full oiling of the body by means of proper massages, fomentation of whole body and intake of medicinal oil or ghee, patient is prepared for Vamana. The person is made to vomit by giving many medicines. The vomiting continues for a short while. At the end of the procedure, a diet plan is advised to follow for 3 – 7 days of time. Vamana treatment may take around 15 days.
Vamana treatment is effective in following diseases -
• Respiratory disorders – Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis, repeated colds, Pharyngitis
• Dyspnoea
• Nausea
• Anorexia
• Sinusitis
• Skin diseases
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Psychological disorders

Virechana – Purgative treatment – This refers to removing the toxins by means of purgation. Virechana treatment is given after preparation procedure called Poorva Karma. This vomiting therapy is only given to the eligible candidates after proper and complete examination. After doing the full oiling of the body by means of proper massages, fomentation of whole body and intake of medicinal oil or ghee, patient is prepared for Vamana. The person is made to have loose motions for a short while, by administering medicines. At the end of the procedure, a diet plan is advised to follow for 3 – 7 days of time. Virechana treatment may take around 12 days.
Virechana treatment is effective in following diseases -
• Chronic skin disorders
• Diabetes
• Ano-rectal disorders - Fistula, Haemorrhoids
• GI disorders – Ascites, liver disorders, indigestion, and constipation
• Anaemia
• Migraine
• Jaundice
• Oedema

Rectal enema – It is a method of administering enemas with medicated decoctions, oils, ghee or milk through the anal, urinary or vaginal route. In modern medicine enemas are most commonly given to clean the lower bowel as a last resort for constipation treatment when, all other methods fail. But rather than this, Basti mentioned in Ayurvedic classics is having broader therapeutic action on almost all the tissues of the body and have rejuventive , curative, preventive and health promotive actions. There are two types of Basti – Basti with oil and Basti with a mixture of herbal decoction, honey, salt etc. This procedure is usually applied for 8 to 30 days, based on the medical condition of a person.

Basti treatment is effective in the following diseases -
• Pain disorders
• Cardiac disorders
• Amenorrhea
• Infertility
• Obstruction of faeces, urine, Flatus
• Haemorrhoids
• Schizophrenia
• Gout
• Sexual debility
• Low body weight
• Asthma
• Colitis
• Cervical Spondylosis
• Constipation

–It is a process by which substances ranging from medicated oils and ghee, powders, juices of raw herbs such as Brahmi, to honey, salt, milk, water, blood and meat soup are administered in prescribed doses through the nostrils. Nasya is a procedure that has to be done with utmost care and diligence.
Method – The neck, face, shoulders, and chest are gently massaged with a suitable herbal oil; heat fomenting is applied to help induce perspiration (sudation); the prescribed dose of herbal extracts/oil/powder is gently dropped or blown into the nostrils - one at a time - while inhaling. After this process, the area around the nose, chest, palms, and foot are massaged gently. Nasya therapy is done on an empty stomach. The ideal time to do the procedure varies based on the seasons and on the pathologies.
Nasya is effective in following diseases –
Chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
Facial palsy. 
Cerviacal spondylosis. 
Neck stiffness.
Adhesive capsulitis/frozen shoulders.
Head ache/ migraine. 
Sleeplessness and mental stress.
Anxiety and depression.
Trigeminal neuralgia.
Baldness/ hair loss.
Alopecia areata.
Graying of hairs.

Raktamokshana (Blood letting therapy):
Raktamokshana is the important and prime process of blood detoxification. It is derived from two words ie; 'rakt' which means blood & 'mokshana' which means leave. So the meaning of raktamokshana is to let the blood out.
Raktamokshana is an effective blood purification therapy, in which carefully controlled removal of small quantities of impure blood is conducted to neutralise accumulated toxins.

Raktmoksana is effective in following diseases –

Swelling, burning sensation, suppuration, rashes, Gout,
skin diseases, elephantiasis, fibroid, tumor, heaviness of body, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, herpes, liver abscess, spleen abscess, headache, gonorrhea, bleeding disorders.
Types of Rakthamokshana
Shastra (using sharp instruments) - Prachana, Siravedha(puncturing)
Anushastra (without using instruments) - Jalauka (Leech therapy), Shrunga (Using cow’s horn), Alabu (Using pitcher gourd).
Jalaukavacharana (Leech therapy)
Leech therapy is considered easy and convenient blood letting therapy.

Method of application of leech:

Selected leeches are collected, to bite effected area which is washed prior with antiseptic solution. Once they start sucking the blood, it is covered with moist cloth. Once it completes sucking the toxic blood, they leave the site to fall off itself. Then the area is rubbed with turmeric powder which helps to stop the bleeding.

Persons should undergo Jalaukavacharana (Leech Therapy)

Children, old aged, frightful, debilitated, women and tender persons.

Shringa (Blood letting using cow’s horn)

Selected cow’s horn is collected which is open at both end. Superficial multiple small incisions are made over the affected area which is cleaned prior with antiseptic solution. The larger open end is kept over the incised area and blood is sucked through other end.

Alabu (Blood letting through pitcher guard)
Medium sized selected pitcher is opened at the top to remove pulp and seed, dried under sun till it is hard. Affected part is cleaned with antiseptic solution, multiple vertical incisions made over the site. An ignited wick is kept straight over the area and closed with the pitcher guard, the fire extinguishes creating the vacuum inside the pitcher which drains out the blood which gets collected at margins of pitcher.

Prachana (Blood letting by puncturing)

A tourniquet is applied slight above the affected area. Using a sharp instrumemt, multiple incisions are made avoiding vital structures. Incisions are made in upward direction, not very deep nor superficial, not very closely placed, should not be done transversely and made very quickly.

Siravedha (Venepuncture)
Venepuncture is considered superior. Just as bunds of channels in the fields break off, the standing grains are destroyed from its roots completely similarly, this procedure is able to destroy the diseases from its roots completely.
Procedure – A tourniquet is tied above the selected area. The vein is tapped with fingers to make prominent, which is then punctured using sharp instrument. Once the vitiated blood flows out completely, then the area is tightly bandaged to arrest bleeding.


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